Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Little Packets of Overprocessed Food

So, let's talk about what I am going to do for the next 2 - 3 months.  You ready? It involves little packets of over-processed food, so it is sure to be scintillating.

Most of you who have known me a while know that I suffer from major depression. I would guess I have averaged one major depression a year since my mid-twenties.

I can't pick out any one thing about major depression as being the worst part, because every facet of it sucks elephant balls (sorry, Mom), but the weight gain, man, the weight gain has been horrible.

There are people who stop eating when they are depressed. There are people who overeat when they are depressed.  There are people who stuff their faces until they reach food comas when they are depressed.

Guess which one I am?

Over the years, I have ballooned up rather like Aunt Marge in Harry Potter.

The good news is I have lost quite a bit of weight since August. I stalled in March, though, and am trying to jump-start the process again.

Here is where the little packets of overprocessed food come in, which is going to horrify my CrossFit/Paleo friends, but the situation is dire.

I've tried the Medifast diet a few times.  It's hard to stick to and not very tasty so I haven't been all that successful with it.  Hence, I've accumulated a lot of Medifast food the way I've accumulated extra pounds. I probably have 2 - 3 months worth sitting in boxes at home.

That's several hundred dollars worth. More, really. I can't sell it, because, well, it is kind of expired. Not so expired that it is unsafe for me to eat it.  The additives and preservatives in these packets would probably keep Medifast food edible through years of Armageddon. But expired enough that I can't sell it on eBay.

So there is only one thing left to do, right?

Eat it.

I'm not wasting that much money and I WILL lose weight on it, but I am just telling you that I reserve the right to whine like a colicky baby in the meantime.

I'm also blogging about it to force myself to do it and give myself a degree of accountability.
